世界面临三大严峻挑战:气候紧急情况, 自然丧失和日益加剧的不平等. COVID-19大流行表明,这些挑战是相互关联的, 我们的系统对冲击准备不足. 随着全球风险不断累积, business leaders are rallying behind a bold and urgent transformation agenda developed by the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD), 一个由200多家领先公司组成的首席执行官领导的组织.
WBCSD成立于1995年, as a platform for business to respond to sustainability challenges that were just beginning to break the surface of collective business consciousness.
将近三十年后, 当我们反思我们的传统和成就时, 紧迫性比以往任何时候都更加明显. 我们知道,我们需要加紧努力,以实现我们的正规博彩十大网站,即让90多亿人生活得更好, 在地球范围内, by 2050.
的 need for the sustainable transformation of the systems that govern our world is well recognized but also more urgent than ever before.
Guided by our mission to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world and to help make more sustainable businesses more successful, WBCSD和正规博彩十大网站排名在这一转变中发挥了重要作用.
It’s now well understood that business’s sole responsibility is not just to make profits: it must take care of the planet and its people as well. 的 巴黎协定 和 正规博彩十大网站排名目标 是否提供了两个可以帮助企业实现这种转变的全球框架, 但变化的速度仍然不够快.
WBCSD的目标是帮助企业实现领先、转型和成功. 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了 建立一个90多亿人能够过上好日子的共同正规博彩十大网站, 在地球范围内, by 2050. 为了实现这一正规博彩十大网站, 我们需要大规模的转型, 业务需要将其行动集中在能够最好地领导系统转换的领域.
2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了 maps how systems transform and lays out a new framework to guide business action in the decade ahead. At the heart of this framework are nine transformation pathways – actionable routes for companies to take – covering the areas of business activity that are essential to society: energy; transportation and mobility; living spaces; products and materials; financial products and services; connectivity; health and wellbeing; water and sanitation; and food.
的 vision and transformation pathways are aligned with the 正规博彩十大网站排名目标 (SDGs) 和 targets of the 巴黎协定. 9条转型路径中的每一条都包含未来十年的10个行动领域, 旨在帮助公司推动其战略的变革, 商业运作和对社会的影响.
WBCSD是在领导和合作的火焰中锻造的, 这两种价值观至今仍在定义着这家公司.
In 1990, 莫里斯强, 联合国环境与发展会议(环发会议)秘书长, was looking for a leader to inject a business voice into the global conversation on sustainability and environmental issues, 特别是在即将到来的1992年里约地球首脑会议上.
他责成斯蒂芬·施米德海尼承担责任, challenging him to spread the concept of sustainable development among the world’s business leaders and companies ahead of the Summit.
一位瑞士商人, Schmidheiny knew that his best chance of success was to ensure that global business leaders became advocates of the concept - rather than just becoming aware of it.
他从世界各地招募了48位首席执行官开始讨论, 1991年,“正规博彩十大网站排名工商理事会”诞生.
在他们第一次见面时, 首席执行官们同意坦率地说, 为公开讨论建立一个保密和竞争前的“安全空间”是至关重要的. 这种自由至今仍是该组织的试金石, and a key outcome from the very first dialogue was an agreement to publish an in-depth analysis of how the business community can adapt and contribute to sustainable development.
出版于1992年6月, 改变课程 was presented at the Rio Earth Summit and hailed as a landmark step in shaping a business point of view on environmental and economic issues. Gathering the expertise of more than 50 leaders of multinational corporations and backed by an array of case studies showing existing best practices, 改变课程 provided an extensive analysis of how the business community can adapt and contribute to the crucial goal of sustainable development—which combines the objectives of environmental protection and economic growth.
在里约首脑会议取得成功之后, BCSD的许多成员请求继续他们的工作. 的 view was that forward-thinking businesses had a key role to play in leading sustainable development around the globe, 这是独立的, 像BCSD这样的非商业组织可以帮助开辟这条道路.
经过两年的工作,比约恩·斯蒂格森于1994年被任命为BCSD主席. 他的第一个重大举措是将该集团与一个类似的商业协会合并, 为了团结和加强正规博彩十大网站排名的领导企业的声音.
1995年1月1日,理事会与世界环境工业理事会(WICE)合并. 这个小组是在里约首脑会议之后由国际商会(商会)设立的,总部设在巴黎.
新的正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)秘书处在日内瓦开幕, 瑞士, 有120名成员致力于其使命.
在接下来的15年里, WBCSD成员坚定地将该组织建立为全球商业正规博彩十大网站排名的声音.
在跨国公司的推动下, WBCSD进行了出色的研究和趋势预测, 在为成员公司带来切实影响的前沿项目上进行合作, and began to move the organization into the sphere of influencer and commentator on the business implications of the sustainable development agenda.
WBCSD的结构是独立的, not-for-profit organization enabled the organization to act as both contributor and facilitator for discussions around the globe, 在当地, 国内和国际层面. 除了, since its inception WBCSD has worked to supporting the development of local partners in countries around the world and now supports an extensive network of more than 60 全球网络 partners. 不同部门成员的广度和深度相应地带来了各种不同的投入.
这是当今世界文化与发展委员会工作的特点. WBCSD不仅与作为这个独特网络一部分的跨部门成员公司合作, 还有政府, 非政府组织, 公民社会和许多其他参与者,以便继续推动正规博彩十大网站排名的商业声音.
它有能力召集和统一不同的观点,这使它成为协调衡量领域的关键驱动力, 报告和管理整个财务部门的正规博彩十大网站排名影响, 社会和自然资本. 这样,WBCSD的工作就远远超出了其近200家公司的成员.
今天,WBCSD由总裁兼首席执行官Peter Bakker领导,他于2012年加入. 这一年的特点是 里约热内卢+ 20会议WBCSD是2012年正规博彩十大网站排名商业行动的一部分.
这是一个商业团体的联盟,提供了一个交流政策建议的平台, 帮助推动正规博彩十大网站排名的商业解决方案和伙伴关系 as part of the preparations ahead of the conference.
从那时起,该组织通过宣传和合作,在其方法取得成功的基础上再接再厉, most notably by bringing the voice of business to the landmark COP21 discussions in Paris in 2015 through the ground-breaking Low Carbon Technology Partnerships Initiative, 在此后持续的全球讨论中.
从1991年的提高认识到今天的大规模行动, WBCSD的每个人都在努力加速向可持续世界的过渡.
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